If you’re a subscriber to OnlyFans, a platform that allows creators to monetize their content, you may wonder how the charges will appear on your credit card statement. In this article, we’ll explain what OnlyFans bills as and how the charges will appear on your bank statement.
What Does OnlyFans Bill as?
When you subscribe to OnlyFans, the charges will appear on your credit card statement as “OF,” followed by a series of numbers. This is the company’s billing descriptor, which appears on your account when a charge is made. It’s important to note that this descriptor will not indicate that the cost is for OnlyFans, but it will be recognizable if you know what to look for.
How Does OnlyFans Appear on Bank Statements?
When you subscribe to OnlyFans, the charges will appear on your bank statement as “OF,” followed by a series of numbers. The costs will be listed as “merchant charges” or “subscription charges.” The bank statement will not indicate that the charge is for OnlyFans specifically, but it will be recognizable if you know what to look for.
What Does OnlyFans Look Like on a Bank Statement?
The charges from OnlyFans will appear on your bank statement as “OF,” followed by a series of numbers. They will be listed as “merchant charges” or “subscription charges.” The information will not indicate that the charge is for OnlyFans specifically, but it will be recognizable if you know what to look for.
It’s important to note that OnlyFans charges will appear differently on credit card and bank statements. To avoid confusion or discrepancies, subscribers need to know the costs and how they appear on their accounts.